Glass fibre reinforced concrete (GFRC) is becoming common in the built environment due to the improved material properties, cost and mass benefits over conventional reinforcement methods. GFRC also provides a range of surface finish options which are architecturally attractive in certain applications. However, details of the performance of GFRC under load is not widely known or publicised by suppliers. This project aims to study the mechanical properties of GFRC with various mix designs and under complex loading conditions.
- Significance:
Write one paragraph about the significance of your research topic.
- Why it matters?
- How is it related to a current technology?
- Does it improve the quality of life, production, communication, etc.?
- Does it lead to saving more lives, money, resources, energy, or fuel?
- Use at least 3 references, which are heavily cited.
- This is very similar to the first paragraph of introduction in well written papers.
- Please refer to my lecture-4 slides to learn more about this.
- Literature review
Write 3 paragraphs about the currently available technologies, methods that you can find in the literature.
- Find 15-20 references about your research topic, using the techniques discussed in lectures 2 and 3.
- Categorise these references into 3 groups consisting of 3 to 4 references.
- Discuss about each group in a separate paragraph (this means you have 3 paragraphs).
- Each paragraph should ideally start with a highly cited paper, which might have been published 5-15 years ago.
- Newer references will appear towards the end of the paragraph so that they can direct the reader to the frontier, which is what has been published over the past 3 years.
- Explain the evolution of each group through different references.
- In particular, try to find the limitations or disadvantages which led to this evolution.
- Use the words such as ‘however’ to highlight this limitation.
- Try to connect the three paragraphs to each other. Make it as a continuous story.
- Please do not try to write about your idea, as this is just the literature review, which means what has been done by others before you.
- This is like the paragraphs of a well written paper.
- Please refer to my lecture-4 slides to learn more about this.
- Highlighting the gaps
- Summarise the limitations you have found in the literature as 3-4 bullet points.
- Do not try to explain your solutions for those limitations. This is what you will do in your Assignment 3 (Research proposal).
- References
- List the references you have used in your literature review.
- Use Endnote for this purpose.
- Use the same style.
- Do not list more than 20 references.
- Assuming that you have 15 references:
- 2 references published between 2000-2005 and should be highly cited
- 3 references published between 2005-2010
- 5 references published between 2010-2015
- 5 references published between 2016-2018 and take us to the frontier
General information:
Use Time New Roman, font 12
Use standard margins (2.5 cm from each side)
Use single line spacing with 6 pt gap between paragraphs
Each paragraph should be 75-150 words.
The two page limit includes references.
Do not exceed two pages.
Please send your assignments as PDF.
Please make sure you include your name and student ID.