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Prepare a 10 minute video journal (make a video using utube or Kaltura discussing the below issues) of this assignment. How did their responses differ? How did they differ from what you anticipated they might say?

This week you will apply Kolb’s cycle to a specific assignment.

Choose 3 different people – they must vary in some feature – culture, generation, living area (urban vs rural), etc.   Ask them to give you 3 words that describe a health care professional.  Do not give them any hints – but feel free to provide examples of health care professionals such as nurses, respiratory therapists, counselors, etc.

Prepare a 10 minute video journal (make a video using utube or Kaltura discussing the below issues) of this assignment. Include the following:


  1. Your preparation – how did you choose your 3 interviewees?  What made you decide on them?  What differences did you anticipate they might have in their answers?
  2. Where did you interview them each?  How did they respond when told of the assignment?  Do you feel they had positive or negative experiences with healthcare professionals or a mix of both?
  3. Did they struggle to find 3 words or did they have trouble with so few?


  1. How did their responses differ? How did they differ from what you anticipated they might say?


  1. What did you learn from their responses?  What conclusions can you draw from this assignment?

Plan to DO

  1. How did this change you and your future actions?

See the attached story on “Your 3 words” from Good Morning America that was the basis of this assignment: http://abcnews.go.com/US/words-live-event-good-morning-america/story?id=14469378 (Links to an external site.)

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