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Ghostware: Identify and expand on three sources of unintended software that could be installed on a user’s machine.


It is essential to determine how unintended software is installed on user systems with only marginal adherence to policies. By understanding the process, a security professional can better ensure that only software built to acceptable standards is installed and maintained on systems under their purview.

*Using an Internet search engine, identify three sources of unintended software that could be installed on a user’s machine.

*In a 850- to 1250-word essay, describe the type and risks of the executable programs and adware to the user. Explain why this is legal. Then, share your personal experience related to what happens when software has negative, unintended side effects from unanticipated installation. Who is to blame, the software developer or user? It might be perfectly okay legally when there is no malice aforethought, but how would you explain this when humans are considered as God’s image bearer? How would you relate it to human value and dignity?

Divide all the above questions and guidance into 3 distinct sections and ensure to meet all guidelines;

1. Type and Risks- Examine three sources of unintended software that could be installed on a user’s machine and the type and risks of the executable programs and adware to the user with extensive details and examples.
2. Legalities- Examines the legalities of unintended software installation with extensive details and examples.
3. Analysis of the Implications of the Christian Worldview as It Relates to Human Value and Dignity- Analyze laws and ethics in humanity as God’s image bearer from the implications of the Christian worldview thoroughly, and provides thought-provoking insights.

1. Solid academic writing is expected.
2. Proper formatting including sources, in-text citations and overall report structure (follow APA 6th edition).
3. Use a MINIMUM of 6 academic and current sources (properly cite references including a retrieved from url).
4. Sources are academic, comprehensive, current, and/or relevant. Quoted material and paraphrasing expertly support, extend, and inform ideas but do not substitute for the writer’s own idea development. Sources are well synthesized to support major points.
5. Clear and convincing argument presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.
6. Use a variety of sentence constructions, figures of speech, and word choice in distinctive and creative ways that are appropriate to purpose, discipline, and scope.

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