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Locate a corner store to conduct a food audit. Select a store that is unfamiliar to you, either in your community or a nearby urban area: Give the store score. Describe the store location and the typical customer.

Corner Store Audit
Many of us take for granted the ability to access a full-size grocery store. For 23.5 million Americans, accessing a supermarket is a challenge. In some areas, small corner stores are often the only source of food. Corner stores are defined as a small-scale store that sells a limited selection of food and other products. These businesses are also referred to as convenience stores or bodegas. The majority of these stores (63%) are run by small, independent operators rather than large chain businesses.

For this assignment, locate a corner store to conduct a food audit. Select a store that is unfamiliar to you, either in your community or a nearby urban area. Use the list of SNAP retailers to find stores near you: https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/retailerlocator
Please visit the store and discreetly complete the Corner Store Audit Tool. See the completed form as an example. Score the store using the scoring guide. Turn in a completed hand written audit and typed summary. Limit your response to 1 single spaced page. Please cite at least 2 research or policy sources. For the summary, answer the following questions.
1. Give the store score. Describe the store location and the typical customer. What were your impressions of the store? If you observed other shoppers, what were they buying?
2. What is the relationship between food deserts and health?
3. What could be done to increase healthy foods available in the store or the area?

pls complete audit tool attach and write a one page summary with 2 references. thanks

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