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Analyse ONE socio-cultural issue raised in scholarly journal articles, course content and social and cultural theories, which have implications for teaching and learning.

Analyse ONE socio-cultural issue raised in scholarly journal articles, course content and social and cultural theories, which have implications for teaching and learning. Choose from the following issues:
Social class and inequality (SES);
Race and diversity
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and education;
Religious diversity;
City/country divide

Read widely from your text and quality journal articles to inform your analysis of the issue. Your essay should:
Identify and analyse the issue clearly
Provide 3-5 key points discussing the multiple facets of the chosen issue.
Use evidence from the readings to explain why this issue is important (as provides in the attachment)
Use evidence and analysis as to how schools have responded to this issue
Draw on social and cultural theory to identify the implications for teaching and learning

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