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Describe the format of the questionnaire(s) (written, Internet, etc.) or interview(s) (in-person, telephone, etc.)


Describe your participants:

●Number of participants (state total sample size, number of drop outs/incompletes, and final sample size after drop outs)

○Total sample size: 95

○Please ignore the number of dropouts/incompletes, and final sample size


○From what population?: Undergraduate students at VCU

○Were there inclusion/exclusion criteria?  What were they?  How did you filter the participants accordingly? No students were excluded from the participation of the survey

●How were they recruited? How were they asked to participate?: Upon arriving in class, we were asked to participate in Google Form survey

●What kind of sampling (e.g. random, convenience) and why? Convenience because survey was conducted in class

●Were they compensated?  If yes, how much?  No compensation

●Any other details that tell the “who and why” concerning your participants?


Black/African American= 18.9%

White/Anglo Amercan= 52.6%

Latino= 6.3%


Native American or Other Pacific Islander= 2.1%

Mixed or Multi-racial=9.5%



Man= 23.2%






18-22= 77.9%

23-26= 16.8%

27-30= 4.2%

40 or older= 1.1%


Measures Measures:

●What variables were measured? Anxiety and Sleep Health

●How were they measured?

○(names of the measures that participants completed and what information they attempt to capture)? Self-report

○Did you use an existing measure that has a name and can be cited (provide this information) PLEASE SEE THE FILE LABELED “Scale Information”

●Do we know if the measure is reliable and valid in this sample?  How? Commonly used inventory, many studies have used it

When describing the measures that participants completed – for each variable using a self-report measure, state:

●What variable(s) did the questionnaire(s) measure?  Sleep Health and Anxiety

●How many questions (for each variable)? 6 for Anxiety and 6 for Sleep Health

●Describe the format of the questionnaire(s) (written, Internet, etc.) or interview(s) (in-person, telephone, etc.) Written

●What are the basic details of the questionnaire

○       What are the scale anchors? PLEASE SEE THE FILE LABELED “SCALE INFORMATION”

○       Include sample questions? Please see file labeled “Picture of RU-SATED (Sleep Health)” and “Picture of sample question Anxiety” *NOTE: THE SAMPLE QUESTIONS FOR THE ANXIETY SCALE is “I feel tense” and etc.*


Any other details about your methods and materials?

Procedures What was your study’s specific aim?  (State or re-state research question(s) and hypothesis(es).

There is a positive correlation between anxiety and sleep health.

Hypothesis: The people who experience high levels of anxiety problems have a higher chance of being victims of poor sleep health.


Explain how the research was conducted

● Who administered the procedures?  Graduate teaching assistants

● What did participants have to do? What instructions were given? Participants were given a survey in class and told to answer questions as honestly as possible.

● Were the procedures standardized (i.e. did every participant do the same thing)? Yes, the procedure was standardized

Summarize each step of the procedure – Include instructions, setting, type of data collection, etc.

Undergraduate students were given a survey in class and told to answer questions as honestly as possible.

Students were told to complete the survey in one 15-20 minute survey.

Students participated in the current study for course credit.

In the study, participants did not provide informed consent.

Participants were debriefed about the study’s intentions after survey was completed. Intrustructor debriefed students by informing them the survey was part of a larger project for the class

Was the procedure done for one participant at a time, or were groups of people completing measures simultaneously Groups of people were completing measures simultaneously

Other details about the procedures?




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