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Analyze the article in the link based on the analysis of two books: “Building Participation in the Arts” by Kevin McCarthy and Kimberly Jinnett; How does the case study differ from either book or both books?

Analyze the article in the link based on the analysis of two books: “Building Participation in the Arts” by Kevin McCarthy and Kimberly Jinnett (https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/monograph_reports/2005/MR1323.pdf) and “Invitation to the Party” by Donna Walker-Kuhne (no free version available).

Among questions you want to consider:
1) Does the case study support findings in the text?
2) Did the institution use some of the strategies outlined in Building Participation?
3) How does the pathway of the new participants in the institution look like the model in Building Participation?
4) How does the case study differ from either book or both books?

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