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What are some of the process metrics you might consider to demonstrate progress or improvement in care?

1.Select an area of practice where you believe a project could be developed ( USE THE SCENARIO BELOW for addressing this assignment. )

  1. List at least three ways in which the clinical project may engage stakeholders in moving toward meaningful outcomes.
  2. Define process and outcome indicators.
  3. What are some of the process metrics you might consider to demonstrate progress or improvement in care?
  4. List outcome measures you would consider.

A nursing need that is amenable for improvement is increased documentation of central venous catheter (CVC) management.  There is a known disparity between the knowledge of the management of CVC protocol guidelines with the nurses’ actual practice for the management of CVCs.  The milieu of the problem with the use and removal of CVCs are associated with adverse events which have been demonstrated to result in a noteworthy mortality and morbidity rate allied to significant expenditure to the health care system (CDC, 2018).  Current literature  advocate that electronic checklist templates for the documentation of central venous catheter’s may significantly increase the documentation compliance and aid to reduce catheter related adverse events.  This topic aims to describe the use of  an embedded template merged into the electronic medical record (EMR) for feedback on increased documentation rates among the nursing staff in an intensive care unit of an inter facility, level II trauma hospital using the ‘Plan-Do-Study-Act’ method. The goal is to show increased documentation rates helps track adverse events, improve quality care and decrease adverse events, decrease hospital days, and reduce hospital costs. A collection of data will assess changes in documentation rates before and after implementation of a quality improvement project plan.


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