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Create a “Touch” Sensory Marketing Campaign for a NEW Co-Kitchen Lab.

You have to
i. Create a few PPT Slides to talk about the research that you find for this topic &
ii. Prepare a 4 minutes speech (around 520 words) for me for this coursework.
iii. Please Follow the “PPT and speech guideline.doc” for the guideline.
iv. PLEASE Check “Consumer Psychology – 5 Sensory Store.docx (Page 1-8)” for a basic IDEA what we have created for the “Joyce Co-Kitchen Lab”
v) I have provide extra readings and lecture slides for you to understand my course and my project. Please read them as well!
Group Project:
Create a “Touch Sensory Marketing” Campaign for a New Store
(“Joyce Co-Kitchen Lab”)

The key areas you may cover in your group presentations are:
1) Analyse how TOUCH senses may influence shoppers’ motivation, feelings and behaviour in the “Joyce Co-Kitchen Lab”.
2) Design (or re-design) your store based on your analysis
The presentation should be no longer than 4 minutes (for my part).
Marking will base on your depth of knowledge, coherent of your argument and details of your store design.

Course background and objectives:
• Why do people do and buy things they don’t like or need?
• Why does what other people think influence what consumers like?
• How can people be persuaded to buy a product?

The purpose of this module is to examine in detail consumer’s decision-making processes, the influences upon consumers’ behaviour in a broad sense and their implications for marketing.
The module aims to create a solid understanding of consumers’ behaviour and the multitude of influences that play a role in their consumption and buying behaviour.
Drawing on the discipline of psychology, a strong theoretical foundation is laid to acquaint you with the principles you will require to make informed decisions as a marketing professional in the area of consumer behaviour.

Having completed this unit the student is expected to:
1. Demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate consumer research and theoretical models in the field.
2. Have an understanding of psychological theories and processes used to understand consumer behaviour.
3. Be able to consider different ways in which consumer research may be applied in the development of marketing programmes.

Compulsory Reading:
• Krishna, Aradhna (2012), “An integrative review of sensory marketing: Engaging the senses to affect perception, judgment and behavior “, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 22(3), 332-351.
• Solomon, M., Bamossy, G., Askegaard and Hogg, M. Consumer behaviour: a European perspective, Chapters 1-3.

1. Argo, J. J., Dahl, D. W., & Morales, A. C. (2006). Consumer contamination: How consume rs react to products touched by others. Journal of Marketing, 70, 81–94.
2. Spence, C. and Gallace, A. (2011), “Multisensory design: Reaching out to touch the consumer”, Psychology & Marketing, 28(3), 267–308.
3. Joann Peck and Jennifer Wiggins (2006) It Just Feels Good: Customers’ Affective Response to Touch and Its Influence on Persuasion. Journal of Marketing, 70(4), 56-69.
4. Bianca Grohmanna, Eric R. Spangenberg and David E. Sprott(2007), “The influence of tactile input on the evaluation of retail product offerings”, Journal of Retailing, 83(2), 237–245.

Taste related with touch:
5. Krishna, A., & Morrin, M. (2008). Does touch affect taste? The perceptual transfer of product container haptic cues. The Journal of Consumer Research, 34, 807–818.

Extra Readings:
I. Schütte, S., Eklund, J., Axelsson, J. and Nagamachi, M. (2004). Concepts, methods and tools in Kansei engineering. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 5(3), pp.214-231.
II. Krishna, A. and Morrin, M. (2008). Does Touch Affect Taste? The Perceptual Transfer of Product Container Haptic Cues. Journal of Consumer Research, 34(6), pp.807-818.
III. Szczelkun, S. and Arning, B. (2006). Touch This. The Senses and Society, 1(1), pp.149-154.

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