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Critically evaluate the following statement: “An understanding of the social brain is crucial if we want to understand childhood mental health problems.”

Child and Adolescent Neuropsychology 

Essay Question:

Critically evaluate the following statement: “An understanding of the social brain is crucial if we want to understand childhood mental health problems.”

Word Count:

3000 words (not including bibliography and title

Child and Adolescent Neuropsychology 

Essay Question:

Critically evaluate the following statement: “An understanding of the social brain is crucial if we want to understand childhood mental health problems.”

Word Count:

3000 words (not including bibliography and title page)

The essay is marked on the following five criterias:

  1. Accurately identify and explain relevant evidence, concepts and theories.
  2. Analyze and evaluate relevant evidence, concepts and theories.
  3. Support knowledge by using references to relevant academic literature.
  4. Compose an essay that is clearly structured and addresses the question.
  5. Compose an essay that is well presented, correctly written and properly referenced.
  6. In your essay, you must decide if your answer is “Yes, this statement is accurate” or “No, there are other important things to consider”. You will need to justify your answer with relevant journal articles.**
  • You need to present your opinions and arguments fully supported by evidence from psychology studies and other appropriate academic references that have come from a reliable and trustworthy source.
  • In the essay, you need to find empirical evidence that you can adopt your own perspective on the essay question, that you can conduct secondary research, and most importantly that you can develop arguments using academic research.
  • This psychology essay is a critical evaluation Critical evaluation is when you give your verdict as to what extent a statement or findings within a piece of research are true, or to what extent you agree with them.**
  • It is really important that within the essay you either agree or disagree with the statement (this is up to you) and you critically evaluate it. You must also stick with your decision of the statement throughout the essay, AND also provide counter-arguments in the essay.
  • When answering the essay question, it is important to mention the ‘Default Mode Network’ and how the essay question links to the biopsychosocial aspects.


It is highly important to start the essay EARLY, in order to avoid doing the essay assignment in last minute and gives more time for editing and proofreading.


The essay is marked on the following five criterias:

  1. Accurately identify and explain relevant evidence, concepts and theories.
  2. Analyze and evaluate relevant evidence, concepts and theories.
  3. Support knowledge by using references to relevant academic literature.
  4. Compose an essay that is clearly structured and addresses the question.
  5. Compose an essay that is well presented, correctly written and properly referenced.
  6. In your essay, you must decide if your answer is “Yes, this statement is accurate” or “No, there are other important things to consider”. You will need to justify your answer with relevant journal articles.**
  • You need to present your opinions and arguments fully supported by evidence from psychology studies and other appropriate academic references that have come from a reliable and trustworthy source.
  • In the essay, you need to find empirical evidence that you can adopt your own perspective on the essay question, that you can conduct secondary research, and most importantly that you can develop arguments using academic research.
  • This psychology essay is a critical evaluation Critical evaluation is when you give your verdict as to what extent a statement or findings within a piece of research are true, or to what extent you agree with them.**
  • It is really important that within the essay you either agree or disagree with the statement (this is up to you) and you critically evaluate it. You must also stick with your decision of the statement throughout the essay, AND also provide counter-arguments in the essay.
  • When answering the essay question, it is important to mention the ‘Default Mode Network’ and how the essay question links to the biopsychosocial aspects.


It is highly important to start the essay EARLY, in order to avoid doing the essay assignment in last minute and gives more time for editing and proofreading.

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