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Where is the evidence that signals may be misleading? (Summarize each article – its purpose, method, data, participants, finding, conclusion and answer each question in terms of climate change)

Need 5 separate summaries to answer the following questions in the context of climate change. The purpose of the summaries is for the prof to see that I know my material. If I only submit the final paper alone (which is the one you are doing), she might suspect that I didn’t do it on my own. Please use the same articles you will be using for the final assignment. Summarize each article – its purpose, method, data, participants, finding, conclusion and answer each question in terms of climate change. I already did the first summary for the first question.  you can see what I did and have a sense of what my writing level is. See summary 1 attached. Please when you write I want you to explain the article very well for me because I need to go and discuss it with her. I’ll check each info you write and locate it in the article. Please make it easy for me to locate the information.  Use economics concepts. Each summary should range between 450-500 words.

  • Where is the evidence that confirmatory bias may lead to people using information inappropriately? (Summarize each article – its purpose, method, data, participants, finding, conclusion and answer each question in terms of climate change)
  • Where is the evidence that signals may be misleading? (Summarize each article – its purpose, method, data, participants, finding, conclusion and answer each question in terms of climate change)
  • Where is the evidence of coordination (or lack thereof) in the context of mitigating climate change? (Summarize each article – its purpose, method, data, participants, finding, conclusion and answer each question in terms of climate change)
  • How would you frame a public goods game to maximise efforts towards mitigating climate change? (Summarize each article – its purpose, method, data, participants, finding, conclusion and answer each question in terms of climate change)
  • Consider how auctions may be used in mitigating global warming. (Summarize each article – its purpose, method, data, participants, finding, conclusion and answer each question in terms of climate change)


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