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Write a report or participate in a process concerning planning policies, planning applications or appeals.


1.    To develop an integrated framework with which to understand the purpose, legal basis and practice of planning in England and Wales.
2.    To develop an integrated framework with which to understand planning policies, procedures and processes.
3.    To develop an integrated framework with which to understand procedures and processes for planning permission for individual properties and appeals.
4.    To develop an integrated framework with which to understand past, present and potential town and country problems, issues and policies.
5.    To develop an integrated framework with which to appreciate the interdisciplinary, value-laden and normative nature of planning.



On successful completion of this assignment, students will be expected, at threshold level, to be able to:

1.    Participate in discussions and debates on a wide range of social, economic and environmental problems, issues and policies affecting cities, towns and the countryside.
2.    Write a report or participate in a process concerning planning policies, planning applications or appeals.
3.    Propose ideas using professional-quality reports, graphically illustrated posters and presentations in public forums.
4.    Compare, contrast and reflect on professional attitudes and behaviour towards and between work-group colleagues and others.



It is widely accepted that the environment people live in has the potential to impact very significantly on their health. The World Health Organization (WHO) for example estimates that 23% of global deaths are due to ‘modifiable environmental factors’.

This individual coursework item focusses on researching ideas and policies for the promotion and creation of ‘healthy cities’. Epidemics of chronic physical and mental conditions (for example: heart disease, asthma, dementia, anxiety and depression) and the costs associated with them have compelled health authorities in the UK, (and around the world), not only to proactively identify and disseminate existing ideas for the management and improvement of public health but also to research and implement new ones.

In this context, the role and scope of urban planning in shaping the environment is increasingly recognised as a critical one in rising to this challenge. Effectively, how can the environment of towns and cities, through for example changes to modes of travel, the management of their air quality, and the provision and adaptation of ‘green infrastructure, be altered or managed in ways that ‘upstream’ the promotion and improvement of health. In light of this the coursework seeks a response to a simple question:

What planning ideas, concepts and policies are necessary to create towns and cities that promote and improve health and well being?


You will take on the role of a consultant (working for a hypothetical consultancy), retained by the NHS to investigate what planning policies are necessary to improve public health and therefore contribute to a reduction in the cost of healthcare in the UK. In this regard, the NHS has provided the following terms of reference:

  • Briefly set out the key public health issues in Britain. Outline the role that planning can play in impacting on these issues.
  • Identify successful existing, and new (innovative) ideas, (schemes, concepts, and/or policies) that will contribute most effectively to the creation of ‘healthier’ urban environments in the UK.

Your research and related examples should be ‘cast wide’ here. Look not just for UK /European, but worldwide examples. This will expose you to a potentially very wide range of ideas. You should not simply ‘list’ all of these. (Nor should you limit your analysis to one or two lengthy ‘case study’ examples).

The CW requires you to bring focus to your initial research by grouping and selecting/ reducing your ideas.


They should be grouped under a series of four or five themes/headings. Suitable examples of these include:

  • Transport/mobility,
  • The natural environment,
  • Neighborhood design,
  • Housing,
  • Access to healthier food.

You may wish to identify alternative themes/headings. (The number should not however exceed five).


Selecting/ reducing

Under each theme a range of ideas, (typically no more than between four to seven) should be selected for highlighting and discussion in your report.  To assist you in doing this consider factors such as their scope, impact (success), likely costs and applicability/transferability to the UK. Concentrate on weighing up the merits of those ideas/policies which the evidence suggests may be most effective in the UK context.

  • Draft an examplar ‘healthy city’ planning policy (suitable for incorporation in a Local Plan), that will support the ‘on the ground’ implementation of the key ideas you have identified in part (b).

This part of the CW asks you to draft an example generic ‘healthy city’ policy.  This will require you to research similar existing policies in different local plans.

The example for Portsmouth can be found here:

https://www.portsmouth.gov.uk/ext/documents-external/pln-portsmouth-plan-post-adoption.pdf     ( see p.105)

Carefully consider the content and objectives of such policies, how they are worded and set out on the page. They typically have a short introduction, and sometimes indicate how the success of a policy will be monitored.

  • Illustrate your work with supporting relevant high-quality images and other suitable graphics (e.g. charts).
  • Prepare a professional report (not an essay) that summarises the results.

The CW should be structured as a report. A table of contents and ‘executive summary’ should be provided, and themes and related ideas set out in number paragraphs under appropriate headings.


The CW will be outlined (talked through) to you by the module tutor in one of the lecture sessions.

Further assistance will be provided in two, 2 hr CW workshops (Currently timetabled for Friday  8th and Friday 15th November 16:00-18:00  Lion Gate (LG) 2.04b)

The workshops will require your active engagement and participation, and will provide you with the opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback on your research, the ideas you have generated, and your approach to the coursework. You should identify questions and issues relating to your research that you would like to discuss prior to your attendance.


Submission Date:  Refer to the top of Page 1.

Words:  2000 words

CW Value: 50% of the overall unit grade.

Submission Type:  PDF in Moodle drop-box submission.


The grading scheme can be found in Moodle.


Read the CW in its entirety. Think very carefully about the task(s) you are being asked to complete, and the relative time and effort you should dedicate to each.

Cities and towns from around the world have already developed a multitude of ideas and planning policies for creating healthy cities. You will need to identify, nationally and internationally, what has already been accomplished. The highest marks will go to those who  generate their own (plausible/ credible and realistic) ideas.

Your research will require you to conduct key word searches to interrogate relevant web sites.The following links may assist you in this regard:



https://www.tcpa.org.uk/pages/search.aspx?q=healthy cities



Consulting and incorporating the findings of other sources, in particular research from UK and international government agencies, and other professional bodies and charities will be required Quoting refereed literature (professional/academic journals) is likely to secure higher marks.

Pay careful attention to spelling, grammar and style. Remember you have been asked to write a professional report not an essay.

All references should be cited (Havard APA style) at the back of your report including sources of photos, images etc.

Stick to the 2000 word limit. Do not ‘word dump’ into an appendix

Photos and images etc. must be appropriately numbered titled and captioned. Captions must be descriptive, short, succinct and accurate. They do not contribute to the word count


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