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Why is it helpful to include pictures in this graphic? Find an example of text that is emphasized. How is emphasis created and why is this text important?

Canada’s Food Guide – Communication Activity

Answer the following questions, using specific examples.

  1. Explain how colour is being used to organize Information.
  2. Explain how lines are being used to organize information.
  3. Explain how shapes are being used to organize information.
  4. Why is it helpful to include pictures in this graphic?
  5. Find an example of text that is emphasized. How is emphasis created and why is this text important?
  6. Find an example of proximity. How does this help organize information?
  7. Find an example of white space. How does this help organize information?
  8. Find an example of alignment. How does this help organize information?
  9. Find an example of contrast. How does this help organize information?
  10. Find an example of repetition. How does this help organize information?
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