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Assemble and organize information to successfully communicate the results and findings of the Project.

Project Brief

  • Projects are expected to produce an Artifact which is assessed as part of the marking scheme. This may be a physical model or prototype, a CAD or simulation model, a piece of software, a working electronic circuit, or similar. This will be presented at the final Presentation and Viva Voce Examination. Give consideration to economic and commercial factors as well as technical requirements and depth of analysis. Social and environmental issues should ideally also be addressed.
  • You must pass the first two elements of assessment – the Proposal and the Interim Progress Report and Viva Voce Examination (a Literature Review and Concept Solution Justification). Failure at these points will mean that you must rework the document to your Supervisor’s satisfaction before being allowed to proceed with the next stages of your Project.
  • Where applicable, you are expected to present your final concept design to your Supervisor at the end of Semester 1. Supervisors will assess this so that you can progress.
  • You must keep a Log Book throughout your Project. This is assessed at various points and should be updated at every supervisory meeting and will be formally assessed at given points throughout. It may be physical or electronic but it must be available as required by the marking scheme and also on request.
1.    Plan a research-informed Project using appropriate literature and / or professional outputs.
2.    Design an artifact using appropriate techniques and tools.
3.    Implement a design to produce an artifact using appropriate techniques.
4.    Critically evaluate the implementation of the artifact and the overall Project.
5.    Assemble and organize information to successfully communicate the results and findings of the Project.


Will be carried out as follows: Project Report: A 10,000 word report of your work that synthesises the knowledge gained from your research activities to create an artefact based on your design. This will express ideas in answer to the problem definition and Aim, recognising the limitations of the Project and areas for potential development or further research. It must take into consideration appropriate and relevant academic, ethical and professional requirements. Poster Presentation and Viva Voce Examination of Report, Artefact and Log Book: An Academic Poster equivalent to 1,000 words and demonstration of your Artefact, with questions related to your Report and the execution of you


For this project you are expected to write a report about: Obstacle avoidant quadrotor uav using IR Sensors. This report must have:

  • Code for Arduino (UNO) written in C (The drone must be able to avoid obstacles at a predefined distance)
  • An algorithm of the collision avoidance system (It should work in a way that the system overrides the pilot input and avoid the obstacle autonomously and the UAV should go back to manual mode after being out of the minimum predefined distance)
  • The UAV must avoid both static obstacles and obstacles that are introduced on its path suddenly
  • The UAV must also avoid obstacles when placed in between them
  • How to detect with sensor
  • How infrared sensor works
  • Explore infrared technology in general and detection
  • How does drones acquisitive the data acquisition
  • How do the Arduino / algorithm works
  • The project should also have an application case

Components List

This is not the complete list and the listed components are for reference only.

All references used must be listed on a separated file and how they were used for the project.

Everything must be referenced using Harvard Referencing System.

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