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Critically evaluate relevant information, data and academic reading and apply to the context effectively.

The Individual Report Assignment brief  (BMW recall)

In 2010, Marketing week reported how BMW’s brand image went into reverse after safety recalls. At that time, a YouGov BrandIndex indicated a-4 rating. (MarektingWeek, 2010). Almost 9 years later, BMW has recalled thousands of cars owing to a faulty part. Around 268, 000 cars have been recalled so far and repairs are taking on average 6 weeks: leaving customers frustrated (Which, 2019).  As a result, customers have taken to social media to vent their frustration. Follow the link below for a fuller context and current Social Media activity.

*BMW Recall Tweets Sample

  • The brief for the Individual assignment is to conduct a Social Marketing audit of BMW Company based on the above context:
  • Conduct a situational analysis of BMW Social Media and critically appraise their existing Social Media engagement strategies.
    • Evidence of Social Media metrics on the threads should be provided as part of a situational analysis.
  • As a BMW Social Media consultant, develop a Social Media Marketing Plan for BMW highlighting various digital tools that can be used to address the current crisis. The board of directors is relying on your appraisal of a suitable Social Media plan to turn things round.


Important notes:

  • This a 3000 worlds report (excluding the executive summery.)
  • This is professional report, and you should develop it as a professional proposal for a company.
  • This report is heavily depended on the course textbook (Social Media Marketing Tuten and Solomon 3rd Edition) therefore, references from this textbook is highly expected.
  • All sources must be referenced in Harvard style.
  • Minimum 15 quality sources are required.
  • Along with this file there is an attachment for an example assignment, that example go only to the second part of this assignment which is objectives.
Potential structure
Executive summary
Contents page with page numbers and list of charts, tables and figures
1.      Introduction: BMW brand/company, assignment objectives, and outline
2.      A brief situation analysis:

·         Context- background to the problem of recalls, internal analysis (market statistics, strengths and weaknesses), external analysis (competitor review etc),

·         Evaluate social content; Evidence of incident e.g. Worditout/Wordcloud: Social Media engagement activity especially surrounding BMW brand/vehicle recall.

·         Provide a metrics outline for BMW to include both positive and negative sentiments, impressions generated etc. Could be before, during and after incident.

·         Explore BMW SEO highlighting implications for company.

3.      Designing Social Media Plan:

·         Identify Social Media Marketing objectives-

A well-stated, actionable objective should include the following characteristics:

·         Be specific (what, who when, where).

·         Be measurable.

·         Specify the desired change (from a baseline).

·         Be consistent and realistic (given other corporate activities and resources).

·         Profile the Target Audience of Social Customers- a table or infographic can be used.

·         Select Social Media Channels and Vehicles -highlight various digital marketing tools that could be used to address current incident as well as future social activities.

4.      Conclusion


Please look below for more specific details.



In depth explanation for the structure.

There is slight change to the structure, you may fully the below one, as I tried to make it simpler and easier to understand

  • Executive summary:

Write one-page executive summary, it should be not less than a page and not more. In general, summarize the assignments. It should be around 250 words and it is not counted as part of the 3000 words report.


  • Contents page:

Add updated content page with page numbers, including list of charts and figures.


  • A brief situation analysis: 1250 words

This part you may separate it into three parts, and you should write here around 1250 words.

  1. Context- background to the problem of recalls:

In this part you give background to the story of the recalls, when it happened, why it happened, how drivers were affected etc…

Note: 1- this report is focused on the recall itself and BMW social media. So, you may have a general description on BMW as a whole, but it should be small and most of the work should be focused on the recall story.

2- the recalls problem started in 2010 but it is still a relevant problem, as of today many BMW recalls are happening right now.


  1. BMW social media analysis.

This part is to analyse how BMW is doing on social media in general. This part can also be divided into two “interior analysis, “external analysis”

In the internal analysis you investigate how are they doing internally on social media, for example number of followers, likes, engagement, comments etc. it also includes strength and weakness. All these data you can find them in third part websites such as “Social Blades” and many others, or you can also take screenshots from their social platforms home page and add it to the appendix. evidence is needed so pleases add them to the appendix

This is a link for Social Blades BMW Twitter statistics:


In the external analysis you compare how their doing on social media compering to their competitor, what are their competitors are doing better than them and what they’re doing better than their competitors. Find relevant competitors to BMW such as Mercedes.


  1. Social media effect on BMW recall.

This is an important part is it need to discover problem to connect with the following part which is is the objectives.

  • You can start this part on investigating how did BMW used its social platforms to inform and control, then what went wrong.
  • Then the second part you explore the consumers reaction on the recall on social media both positive and negative sentiments of the problem and for the recall including their inside on how BMW facing this problem. You can do this by collecting tweets and add screenshots to the appendix or it is highly recommended to create Worditout/Wordcloud for the content. You can create simply one from Worditout website, it doesn’t have to be complex.
  • The last part you Evaluate in the previous point based on people reaction you generate complications for BMW because of this recall, an obvious one is damage to brand image. you can generate as many as you like but minimum three good ones are required.


  • Social Media Plan: “objectives” 1250 words

This part is driven from the previous part. After you find gaps and complications you should identify at least three smart and clear objectives to help BMW with the recall and to repair the damage that happened to its brand because of it. For each objective it should be clear, realistic, specific and measurable.

For each objective it should include three main points:

  • Justification: this part you justify your objective with academic references and why should BMW look into this.
  • Recommendation: here you recommend all ideas to achieve this objective, your recommendation should be supported with references. This part should also select Social Media Channels and Vehicles for this objective with justifications.
  • Evolution method: what methods and actions should they follow to major success off this objective. how is it possible to major it.


 Note: 1- this part should be supported with many academic studies.

2- I also attached an assignment example for this “objective” part, have a look at it. It is very helpful and shows the idea and the structure more clearly. The file name is (example for objectives structure)

3- you can find many good examples for smart objectives for social media online, this is one of many https://blog.digimind.com/en/insight-driven-marketing/5-objectives-to-integrate-into-your-social-media-marketing-strategy but please make sure the report is plagiarism free.


  • The use of SEO in BMW recall. 200 words

This part is simple, just write in short why it important for BMW to focus on building solid SEO for the recall on search engine platform. the important reason is that BMW can control the situation and minimise unreliable sources to spread inaccurate information that can hurt the brand. And then you may suggest few search phrases to be added to the SEO, or you can use SEO generator websites and add a screenshot for the suggested phrases. One of the websites you can use is https://app.kparser.com/#/



  • Conclusion:

Write a simple conclusion for the report.


  • Appendix:

Add any screenshots or graphs in here and give it a number. So, you can mention it in the text.


  • Reference lest:

Add all the references here, you should have at least 15 quality references.


See Marking criterial below:

Assessment Domains







Very Good









Assessment Domain 1:

Content, Knowledge and Understanding





Demonstrate systematic understanding of key aspects of Social Media marketing & Analytics and related theories. Demonstrate knowledge of Social media, branded content and plan for sharing brand messaging. Analyse the role of engagement in social and suggest improvements. Evaluate social content, apply SEO, design a social media marketing plan.


Assessment Domain 2:

Range and Relevance of Research Informed Evidence





An ability to identify relevant information and data related to the context, analyses the information with a view to developing fully justified interventions. Evidence of Social Media metrics on the chosen threads is provided. Evidence of reading widely on relevant social marketing theories for an informed and critical discussion.


Assessment Domain 3:

Cognitive/Intellectual Skills




Critically evaluate relevant information, data and academic reading and apply to the context effectively. Develop well-justified, innovative and effective Social Media plan.

Assessment Domain 4: Communication, Organization and Presentation


Graduate Employability and Application of Skills





Express ideas effectively and fluently. Can communicate information appropriately and accurately using clear, accurate English, well organized and well presented, with flow and progression.


Graduate Employability Skills: Ability to relate theory to professional practice. Articulate an awareness of Social Media Marketing and apply theories to context effectively.


Assessment Domain 5:

Referencing, sourcing, acknowledging and coverage





Sources used are all acknowledged in the text and reference list/bibliography, using correct academic citation – including online sources. Referencing is consistent throughout.  Follows a professional approach to academic practice.  Reference list is outstanding in its breadth and depth and all sources are primary sources.



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