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Describe in detail the rituals that were performed and any myths that may have been enacted through rituals, portrayed through art, or discussed during a sermon.

Religion Field Study

Attend a religious service in a Hindu temple, a Buddhist temple, a Jewish synagogue, a Christian church, or a Muslim mosque; or visit a Native Hawaiian heiau and the Bishop Museum

You must have had no prior contact whatsoever with the religion they visit.

Provide the following information in your opening paragraph: 1) a list of all religions with which you have had contact in your life; 2) the religion, sect (denomination or branch), building, address, date, and time of the service you attended.


Describe in detail the art and architecture you saw. Describe in detail the clergy and the laity who were present. Describe in detail the rituals that were performed and any myths that may have been enacted through rituals, portrayed through art, or discussed during a sermon.


Did you feel comfortable in this setting? Why, or why not? With what stereotypes, assumptions, and expectations did you come into this field research experience? How was the experience different from what you expected? How did your own beliefs, ideas, and assumptions affect your interpretation of the experience?


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