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What do you think the economic outlook is for SMEs in Singapore for the first half of 2020? Will it improve, worsen, or stay the same? State your reason(s) for the position taken.

Asian Economics Written Assignment.
Answer all questions, partial credit will be given to partial answers.
Q1 India’s withdrawal from signing RCEP
Please read Articles 3 and 4 before answering this question.
a) Modi has indicated that a key plank of his economic agenda is manufacturing and worries over cheap Chinese imports was a key reason for India’s withdrawal from RCEP. Do you agree with this approach? Explain your answer.
b) In your view, is India’s withdrawal from RCEP a positive or negative for its economic growth? Explain your answer.
Q2 Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy
Read Article 5 before answering this question.
a) What is the aim and target audience of the New Southbound Policy? Which other economies could Taiwan target to enhance cooperation with? Explain your answer.
Q3 Singapore SME outlook over the next six months
Please read Article 6 and refer to Figure 1 before answering this question.
a) What do you think the economic outlook is for SMEs in Singapore for the first half of 2020? Will it improve, worsen, or stay the same? State your reason(s) for the position taken.
b) If you are a policymaker, would you roll out an expansionary fiscal budget for 2020? If so, which sectors will you target with your fiscal budget? If not, why? Explain your answer.

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