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How does the difference in the politeness of language in different languages affect late bilinguals?

Research Question:
How does the politeness of late bilingual English learners’ language affect their social identity?
1. What role language plays in human cultures
2. Introduction to late bilingualism (briefly)
3. Introduction to politeness (briefly)
4. Clarify my methodology
1. What is “politeness” and “polite language (linguistic politeness)”?
○ Clearly define what equals politeness in this essay
○ Talk about “politeness theory” and facework
○ Positive/negative politeness (politeness strategies)
2. Why is it important to use “polite language”? How does using polite language affect the way
we socialize with others? (in general)
○ What role does the politeness of language play in our interaction with others?
(Connect with politeness theory)
○ Define and introduce “social identity”
3. How does the politeness of language differ in different languages/cultures?
○ My experience (Japanese/English)
4. What are “late bilinguals” and how do they learn English? What artifacts are often used to
teach politeness? (Talk about how using textbooks is the most common way to learn English
for them)
○ Define “late bilingualism”
○ How do late bilinguals learn English?
○ Say that textbooks are often used to teach the politeness of language and explain
5. How does the difference in the politeness of language in different languages affect late
○ The difficulty of learning the politeness of second languages
6. Which textbooks are for late bilinguals? (clearly define what makes the textbook I use suitable
for late bilinguals)
7. How is the politeness of language being taught on those textbooks for late bilinguals?
○ What are some phrases or expressions that make the language more polite that is
being talked about? What equals polite language in English?
8. (Answer to my research question) How do they affect how late bilinguals socialize with others
in English? (connect with what I talked about so far)
1. Review of what I did (methodology)
2. Limitations/strengths (Evaluation of the methodology)
3. Conclusion (what impact the politeness of late bilingual English learners’ language has on their
social identity)

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