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Create an overview of the methodologies that will be used to for the case study collection, analysis, identification of themes, and findings.


How can start ups implement common growth hacking principles

Questions to be answered

How can growth hacking be defined?

What are common growth hacking success factors

How can they be applied for startups?

Is there a strategic process for start-ups to apply this method?

Case studies and the discussion of these case studies will be used to define how common growth hacking practices can be implemented and utilized by start ups.

Definition of Methodologies:

(1000 words approximately)

Create an overview of the methodologies that will be used to for the case study collection, analysis, identification of themes, and findings.

Use a qualitative approach as outlined by Baxter and Jack, see attached. Using “multiple-case studies” as the case study type.

In addition, outline propositions, use a conceptual framework identifying a number of themes and patterns (with a visual element), use multiple data sources in the form of literature research, and diagnostic analysis to identify any patterns being used for growth hacking.

Find some details on the case study method – e.g. there are different types of case study that you can do.  In particular, case study methodology sources that focus on marketing studies.

Also mention how you will do you analysis.

Case Studies: Thee Companies

(2000 words approximately)


Company overview

Analysis of how they have applied growth hacking

Summary of findings showcasing how these techniques have worked for the company



Company overview

Analysis of how they have applied growth hacking

Summary of findings showcasing how these techniques have worked for the company


Wework overview

Company overview

Analysis of how they have applied growth hacking

Summary of findings showcasing how these techniques have worked for the company


Outline any findings and themes as dictated by the case study analysis and findings

(Include visual display via word clouds and tables/chart graphics)

Conclusion for case study section



(2000 words approximately)

Discussion will focus on outlining answers and tactics for the following questions.


How can growth hacking be defined?

What are common growth hacking success factors based on case studies?

How can the success factors be applied for startups?

Is there a strategic process for start-ups to apply this method?

How to define goals related to growth hacking?

What are the challenges of growth hacking for small start-ups?

Is growth hacking ethical?

How can start ups implement common growth hacking principles?



List of Identified References: (not to be limited to this list)


Identifying Themes

Bazeley, P. (2009). Analysing qualitative data: More than ‘identifying themes’.Malaysian Journal of Qualitative Research, 2(2), 6-22.


Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3(2), 77-101. doi:10.1191/1478088706qp063oa


Saldaña, J. (2013). The coding manual for qualitative researchers (2nd ed.). London: Sage.


Methodology for Case Study Analysis

Baxter, P., & Jack, S. (2008). Qualitative case study methodology: Study design and implementation for novice researchers. The qualitative report13(4), 544-559.


Corbin JM, Strauss A (2015) Basics of qualitative research: techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory, 4th revised edn. Sage, Thousand Oaks


Creswell, J. W., & Poth, C. N. (2016). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. Sage publications.


Gerring, J. (2008). Case selection for case‐study analysis: qualitative and quantitative techniques. In The Oxford handbook of political methodology.


Given, L. M. (2012). The SAGE encyclopedia of qualitative research methods (Vols. 1-0). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.


Merriam, S. B. (1998). Qualitative Research and Case Study Applications in Education. Revised and Expanded from” Case Study Research in Education.”. Jossey-Bass Publishers, 350 Sansome St, San Francisco, CA 94104.


Noor, K. B. M. (2008). Case study: A strategic research methodology. American journal of applied sciences5(11), 1602-1604.


Snyder, C. (2012). A case study of a case study: Analysis of a robust qualitative research methodology. The qualitative report17(13), 1-21.


Stake, R. E. (2013). Multiple case study analysis. Guilford Press.


Growth Hacking

Bergendal, T. S. (2017). PS I love you… and other growth hacking strategies used by disruptive tech start-ups: A case study on the relevance and enactment of growth hacking by Sweden’s tech start-ups.


Bohnsack, R., & Liesner, M. M. (2019). What the hack? A growth hacking taxonomy and practical applications for firms. Business Horizons62(6), 799-818.


da Silva Lima, F. A. (2017). Inside the Hack: In Search of a Model for Growth Experiments.




Degtyarenko, V. S., & Poryvay, М. А. (2016). Growth hacking as a modern technique of promotion.


Elezovic, V. (2017). The value of Growth Hacking. Business development manual for Emi-Rent Properties.


Geru, M., Rusu, E., & Capatina, A. (2014, May). Growth hacking practices in a start-up: A case study on thecon. ro. In International Conference on Risk in Contemporary Economy(pp. 212-216).


Herttua, T., Jakob, E., Nave, S., Gupta, R., & Zylka, M. P. (2016). Growth Hacking: Exploring the Meaning of an Internet-Born Digital Marketing Buzzword. In Designing Networks for Innovation and Improvisation (pp. 151-161). Springer, Cham.


Ho, S. Y. (2016). Making Sense of Growth Hacker Marketing.


Holiday, R. (2014). Growth hacker marketing: a primer on the future of PR, marketing, and advertising. Penguin.


Le, T. (2019). Growth Hacking and AAARR Funnel Implementation for a SaaS company.


Lee, J. (2016). Growth Hacking for Startups: How Growth Hacking can utilised for growing startups.


Miotk, A. (2018). Growth Hacking-Low Cost Marketing Communication for Small Businesses. Marketing i Rynek, (12), 23-35.


Nguyen, K. M. (2017). Growth hacking as the optimizer of start-ups to grow: the way start-ups could impement growth hacking successfully.


Picken, J. C. (2017). From startup to scalable enterprise: Laying the foundation. Business Horizons60(5), 587-595.


Udebuana, O. I., & Charles, I. (2019). Decision-Making Framework Using a Growth Hacking Model for Computerized Decision Support. International Journal of Systems Science and Applied Mathematics4(2), 24.


Ratcliffe, J. (2016). Business growth hacking: using trackable and testable methods to pursue growth. Journal of Aesthetic Nursing5(9), 462-463.


Roschier, T. (2018). How can large Finnish companies implement and execute growth hacking.


Salemisohi, B. (2016). Growth Hacking in Start-ups (Case Study IranAuto Oy).


Tran, N. (2018). Growth hacking and its potential in the development of start-ups.


Troisi, O., Maione, G., Grimaldi, M., & Loia, F. (2019). Growth hacking: Insights on data-driven decision-making from three firms. Industrial Marketing Management.


Vilda, S. (2018). Growth hacking as a methodology for user retention in the entrepreneurial venture: A case study.


Young, J. S. (2017). Growth Hacking Within the Setting of a Fortune 500 Company.


Case Study References


BrewDog, (2019). Equity for Punks. Retrieved from https://www.brewdog.com/community/equity-for-punks


Cabras, I., & Bamforth, C. (2016). From reviving tradition to fostering innovation and changing marketing: The evolution of micro-brewing in the UK and US, 1980–2012. Business History58(5), 625-646.


Carol, Y. Z., Federico, G., & Thomas, M. B. (2015). Competitiveness in a saturated market. A case study of the Scottish craft beer industry. International Journal of Business and Social Science6(8).


Crooks, J. (2017). BrewDog in America.


Gibson, R., & Hanson, G. (2018). Higher engagement and higher returns: The benefits of trust in e-mail marketing. Journal of Digital & Social Media Marketing6(3), 211-220.


Gillies, R. BrewDog: International Marketing Report.


Murden, Terr, (2019, May 13). Brewer under fire: BrewDog backlash over branding and expenses claim. Retrieved from https://dailybusinessgroup.co.uk/2019/05/brewdog-accused-of-using-ex-agencys-brand-concept/


Parhankangas, A., Mason, C., & Landström, H. (2019). Crowdfunding: an introduction. In Handbook of Research on Crowdfunding. Edward Elgar Publishing.


Smith, R., Moult, S., Burge, P., & Turnbull, A. (2010). BrewDog: business growth for Punks!. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation11(2), 161-168.


Smith, R. (2018). the BrewDog business story. Research Handbook on Entrepreneurship and Leadership, 403.


Smith, R. (2018). The rise of the underdogs: situating and storying ‘entrepreneurial leadership’in the BrewDog business story. In Research Handbook on Entrepreneurship and Leadership. Edward Elgar Publishing.



Ellis, S., & Brown, M. (2017). Hacking Growth: How Today’s Fastest-growing Companies Drive Breakout Success. Currency.


Herttua, T., Jakob, E., Nave, S., Gupta, R., & Zylka, M. P. (2016). Growth Hacking: Exploring the Meaning of an Internet-Born Digital Marketing Buzzword. In Designing Networks for Innovation and Improvisation (pp. 151-161). Springer, Cham


Holiday, R. (2014). Growth hacker marketing: a primer on the future of PR, marketing, and advertising. Penguin.


Nobel, C. (2011). Teaching a ‘Lean Startup’Strategy. HBS Working Knowledge, 1-2.


Sineni, S. L. (2014). Growth Hacking: A Deep Look into Online Marketing for Startups (Doctoral dissertation, University of Southern California).


Vilda, S. (2018). Growth hacking as a methodologyfor user retention in the entrepreneurial venture: A case study.


Župič, I. (2014, November). What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Growth Hacking?. In EBR Conference 2014.



Raz, Guy. “WeWork: Miguel McKelvey.” NPR, NPR, 3 Sept. 2018, www.npr.org/2018/08/31/643774290/wework-miguel-mckelvey.


Leclercq-Vandelannoitte, A., & Isaac, H. (2016). The new office: how coworking changes the work concept. Journal of Business Strategy37(6), 3-9.


Mitev, N., de Vaujany, F. X., Laniray, P., Bohas, A., & Fabbri, J. (2019). Co-working Spaces, Collaborative Practices and Entrepreneurship. In Collaboration in the Digital Age (pp. 15-43). Springer, Cham.


Rayport, J. F., Gulick, S., & Preble, M. G. (2018). WeWork.


Roggero, R. (2019). Coworking spaces and the WeWork phenomenon.


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