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Demonstrate a self-reflective and non-oppressive attitude to clinical practice.

  • Essays to be 4000 words (+/- 10%) excluding titles, subheadings, quotes and

references (footnotes & appendices are not permissible)

Essay 1

  • What do I understand by the working alliance and how does this understanding enhance my integrative practice?

Essay Descriptor:

At a minimum, you will need to:

  • Refer to your understanding of what is meant by ‘the working alliance’ and its place within the therapeutic relationship, using counseling theory
  • Include your view of how the working alliance sits within your integrative framework
  • Describe how your own experience has led to this understanding
  • Include your view of how difference could impact you within your integrative practice
  1. Essays should demonstrate a self-reflective and non-oppressive attitude to clinical practice and should include current research of the discipline.


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