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Review the case study of the Freed-Smith family provided in the Resources: Identify best practices in systemic assessment. Select an appropriate systemic model.

Review the case study of the Freed-Smith family provided in the Resources. For your initial post in this discussion, choose a systemic model and explain how you would apply it with this family in order to treat their nine-year-old child. Use The Family Therapy Treatment Planner, With DSM-5 Updates and complete a treatment plan. Include the systemic model and reference the DSM-5 in your diagnosis.

This activity should help with the following below:

Identify best practices in systemic assessment.
Select an appropriate systemic model.
Explain how you would apply the selected systemic model.
Identify the appropriate DSM-5 diagnosis for a specific case.
Explain rationale for the DSM-5 diagnosis that was selected


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