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Demonstrate the knowledge and key attributes required by those seeking to enter professional health and social care practice.

Assessment for this module:

This assessment covers both learning outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate the knowledge and key attributes required by those seeking to enter professional health and social care practice.
  2. Successfully complete key aspects of the Care Certificate.

References will be required as part of this workbook using the Harvard referencing style and a reference list must be included at the end of the workbook

To pass this Module you must attend all the sessions and complete the workbook and submit this via TURNITIN as one complete document.

Useful Resources:






The Care Certificate is a set of 15 standards that all non-regulated health care practitioners are required to complete in order to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and behaviours required for safe, compassionate and high-quality care provision. (Skills for Health 2015).  This workbook will allow you to consolidate the learning from the Skills for Inter-professional Practice Module and highlight your own knowledge, skills and behaviours whilst, providing links to your chosen profession.

To complete this workbook, you need to:

  • Choose 5 standards from the list below and discuss these in relation to your chosen profession.
  • You need to give a clear rationale for your choice of standards
  • Say why these are key to your profession and how they will support your practice and service user experience and care.
  • Provide an example of the application of your chosen standard to the service user so that you can demonstrate your understanding.
  • You also need to say why you have chosen to exclude other standards to focus on your chosen 5
  • Identify and discuss any key attributes, knowledge and skills that you have recognised as part of this process and link this to your personal development.

You are required to answer ALL the questions asked.  Support will be given during the module and taught sessions will focus on the standards and their application to service user care.


Care Standards:  Choose 5 that relate to your chosen profession for discussion.
1 Understand your role 6 Communication 11 Safeguarding Children
2 Your personal development 7 Privacy and dignity 12 Basic Life Support
3 Duty of care 8 Fluids and nutrition 13 Health and Safety
4 Equality and diversity 9 Awareness of mental health, dementia and learning disability 14 Handling information
5 Work in a person-centred way 10 Safeguarding adults 15 Infection prevention and control


Chosen Standard 1. Please identify one standard from the list above and discuss this in detail. 

Chosen Standard 2. Please identify one standard from the list above and discuss this in detail. 

Chosen Standard 3. Please identify one standard from the list above and discuss this in detail. 

Chosen Standard 4. Please identify one standard from the list above and discuss this in detail. 

Chosen Standard 5. Please identify one standard from the list above and discuss this in detail. 

Give a rationale to highlight why you have chosen to exclude other standards to focus on your chosen 5

Being self-aware is important for health care practitioners.  Thinking about the responses you have given to the above standards Identify and discuss any key attributes, knowledge and skills that you have recognised as part of this process and link this to your personal development.

Reference List: (to be completed)


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