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Does anything strike you about how, when, or what you eat or drink usually? What are the most important factors in determining what and where you eat (i.e. taste, cost, family heritage, national background, convenience, health, moral or religious choices, etc.)?

“Cooking and Eating Blog” Instructions and Grading Rubric
A blog is simply an online/virtual diary accompanied by photographs.
Students will create an online food journal/blog for this course, You can use Microsoft Word to write your blog.
Students write a minimum of 8 entries of 300 words each, analyzing their personal food and culture patterns considering some or all the following questions. 300 words is the minimum for each entry, you can go for much longer if you feel the need and inspiration.
• Does anything strike you about how, when, or what you eat or drink usually? What are the most important factors in determining what and where you eat (i.e. taste, cost, family heritage, national background, convenience, health, moral or religious choices, etc.)?
• What is your attitude towards cooking? Describe experiences of cooking for yourself versus cooking for/with friends or family. You can include photos of any food you cooked if you do have cooking facilities! The more “global” the food you make, the better!
• Was your food mostly home prepared? By whom? Who did the grocery shopping? How much did you eat out? What are some of the recipes of the dishes you prepared?
• Did you eat alone or in company? How was the experience of eating in company versus eating or cooking alone?
• What proportion of the food/drink you purchased during the week came from “fast food” establishments? What meals were “slow food” instead?
• How much, if any, of the food you ate during the week resonates with your sense of racial, ethnic, regional, religious, and/or national identity?
• How much of your food has global rather than local influences? Would you like this to change or remain the same?
• Did the experience of journaling your food/drink intake impact your choices?

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