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Write two thesis statements that argue for the importance of the technology. Find support that argues the importance of the technology. See if you can find research to support each element of your thesis (each of your body paragraphs).

Now each student needs to post two thesis statements that present an argument that asserts the importance of the new technology. If you look at your argument reading for the week, you will notice how important it is to use the word “should” in each of your thesis statements.

ex. The human genome should be considered an important advancement that will help cure diseases, determine possible gene therapy applications, and provide a map for future human augmentation.

Read two articles.

Write two thesis statements that argue for the importance of the technology.

Find support that argues the importance of the technology. See if you can find research to support each element of your thesis (each of your body paragraphs). This would be six pieces of research. Make sure the research has an author.

“Gene therapy is a little like gene editing for human augmentation but it can be used at any stage of development” (Jennings 27)

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