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In 2017, cryptocurrencies grabbed a lot of headlines for numerous reasons. Regardless of how they fare in the future, students are required to write an essay on the merits and shortcomings of cryptocurrencies.

Group BMid-Term AssignmentCryptocurrencies.

In 2017, cryptocurrencies grabbed a lot of headlines for numerous reasons. Regardless of how they fare in the future, students are required to write an essay on the merits and shortcomings of cryptocurrencies.

Key contextual elements should includedifferent cryptocurrencies, financial data and statistics.

General instructions:

oDiscuss the role of cryptocurrencies in international financial markets.

oDiscuss the merits and shortcomings of cryptocurrencies.

oUse examples to illustrate statements in addition to comparing and contrasting to traditional financial markets.

oDiscuss your view and reasoning on the future of cryptocurrencies.

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