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Research the definition of impulse purchasing and how it differs from compulsive buying. Select a specific firm and discuss how it is encouraging or could encourage impulse buying in the digital world.

Think back to your last trip to the supermarket. You are standing in the checkout line and you see a candy bar that you are sure is speaking to you. So, in the basket it goes. This is an impulse buy.

Research the definition of impulse purchasing and how it differs from compulsive buying. Select a specific firm and discuss how it is encouraging or could encourage impulse buying in the digital world. Provide at least one example.

Limit your paper to 300 words, excluding references (no cover/title page is necessary). Format and cite your paper in current APA style, including Times New Roman, 12-point font size, and double-spaced. Your paper must be grammatically sound and free of spelling errors.

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