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Discuss the challenges and opportunities that a would-be statesman would face in this area and the statecraft needed to lead successfully. Integrate Biblical principles and Biblical worldview into your personal thread.

Discuss statesmanship as it relates to public administration reform and the future. Discuss the challenges and opportunities that a would-be statesman would face in this area and the statecraft needed to lead successfully. Integrate Biblical principles and Biblical worldview into your personal thread.
*It must also address statecraft as part of a meaningful discussion of effective statesmanship.
-Sources 7 (6 attachments and the textbook)
Denhardt, R. B., Denhardt, J. V., & Blanc, T. A. (2014). Public administration: An action orientation (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth. ISBN: 9781133939214.
-If you have any questions or concerns please email me immediately. Please follow the rubric and the attachments.

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