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How well did your high school classes prepare you for college writing? What types of writing and reading assignments were required? Did you write many papers in high school?

In at least 250 words, formatted according to MLA guidelines (12pt type, double-spaced, etc.), answer the following prompts.

How well did your high school classes prepare you for college writing? What types of writing and reading assignments were required? Did you write many papers in high school?

Did your high school teachers focus much on grammar, or did they focus more on ideas and content?

Did you do more reading than writing in school?

When did you last review grammar in school? How was it reviewed? Be specific. Give examples.

How carefully were issues such as grammar, content, and organization covered? Provide examples if you can.

What do you feel are your your strengths and weaknesses concerning grammar?

Are you comfortable with grammar, or does it cause you frustration or trouble?

Which issues give you trouble? (Commas, comma splices, run-ons, fragments, wordiness, rambling, etc.)

Which rules do you feel comfortable with? Be specific.

Finally, what comes to mind when someone says, we’re going to write!!

Feel free to explore other ideas that are related to your experiences with writing.


Use grammar and organization to the best of your ability when completing this self-assessment. I will use it to begin assessing your writing skills.

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