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What are the assumption and positions of the theory or theories that you chose? Demonstrate to me how well you understand his theory or theories.


Introduction (1-2 pages): Description

a)-Description of the person, his/her identity; how this person is significant to you and why you chose this person to analyze.


a)       ___/ 8

Body (3-4 pages) Demonstration of understanding and application

a)- Which personality theory or theories did you choose as a set of lenses through which to analyze your person.


b)-What are the assumption and positions of the theory or theories that you chose? Demonstrate to me how well you understand his theory or theories


c)-Quality of the application of this theory on your person. The depth of your analysis. Specific examples to fortify your claims.


d)- Citation of articles or direct quotes from the person.


a)    ___ / 3



b)     __ / 8



c)     __ / 12


d)     __ / 3

Conclusions (1 -2 page) – So what?

a)-What have you learned from the assignment?

b)-Final words

       a)    ___ / 4


b)    ___ / 2

APA Format:

Times New Roman font, 1inch margins, doubles spaced

              ___ / 2
Quality of Writing

a)-Free of grammatical errors / coherent arguments

b)-Meets the minimum length

a)          ___ / 3

b)          ___ / 5





___ / 50


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