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Write a research paper comparing and contrasting the holocaust with a more recent genocide. Research the holocaust and one other genocide, ethnic cleansing, massacre, or applicable civil war.

Write a research paper comparing and contrasting the holocaust with a more recent genocide. This should demonstrate everything you have learned throughout this unit and this course.

Research the holocaust and one other genocide, ethnic cleansing, massacre, or applicable civil war. Your paper must use a minimum of five credible resources. Your sources must be credited in­text and appear on a Works Cited Page.
Your paper must incorporate at least one quote from the book Night by Elie Wiesel (citing Night will not count as one of your five resources).

Your paper will be informative in purpose. Your organization should be comparison and contrast. Using a comparison and contrast structure will allow your paper to build meaning. Just discussing similarities and differences is not enough ­ you need to use the similarities and differences you find to create meaning.

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