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Explain some of the cognitive-based ideologies related to how memory development works, how it is affected by outside variables, and how strategies can improve one’s own information processing.

Explain some of the cognitive-based ideologies related to how memory development works, how it is affected by outside variables, and how strategies can improve one’s own information processing. You will demonstrate an understanding of psychological research methods and skeptical inquiry by correctly utilizing support resources within your writing.

Complete the following:

Introduce the topic of effective knowledge or memory development (including assimilation and accommodation) based on cognitivism.

Explain, precisely, the mental process of knowledge or memory development.

Include the importance of successfully moving information from working (short-term) memory to long-term memory (effective information processing)?

Discuss the factors of attention and perception in association with successfully moving information from sensory to working memory to long-term memory.

Discuss the predominant variables that can affect effective processing for each of the following types of memories: semantic memories, episodic memories, and autobiographical memories.

(Hint—emotions, outside distractions, etc.)

Discuss the prevalence of false memories, and how this phenomenon may affect how we learn effectively, as well as help others to learn accurately.

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