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Compare the pros/cons of the cloud service providers in terms of security, ease of use, service models, services/tools they provide, pricing, technical support, cloud service providers’ infrastructure, and architecture model.

Projects Scenario.

This course includes a project in which you assume the role of an IT team member for a fictitious company, Don & Associates. This will help you learn the role of an IT professional and how you would develop solutions in the real world.

Don & Associates is a financial consulting company that provides financial services to small- and medium-sized companies. The company operates physical technological infrastructures, including networks and servers.

Don & Associates is looking to expand its services and locations, but the owner of the company is worried about the cost of acquiring additional equipment and is also concerned about maintenance and space. The owner is looking for an innovative solution that will reduce the operational cost of expansion.

Project 2: Cloud Vendor Presentation

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In this project, you will develop a detailed comparative analysis of cloud vendors and their services. A comparative analysis provides an item-by-item comparison of two or more alternatives, processes, products, or systems. In this case, you will compare the pros/cons of the cloud service providers in terms of security, ease of use, service models, services/tools they provide, pricing, technical support, cloud service providers’ infrastructure, and architecture model.

You will present your findings to the owner of the company in a narrated PowerPoint presentation with 10 to 20 slides. Use the Cloud Presentation Template.

This resource can help you prepare and record your presentation: Presentation Resources.

Presentation Guidelines

Your presentation should be comprised of the following:

One to two slides on the company profile.

One to two slides on what the company is struggling with.

One to two slides on current infrastructure.

Three to six slides on the top three cloud services providers. Include their service models (i.e., SaaS, PaaS, IaaS), services/tools/solutions (i.e., compute, storage, database, developer tools, analytics tools, networking and content delivery, customer engagement), pricing, accessibility, technical support for companies, global infrastructure.

One to two slides on a recommended cloud service provider based on the comparative analysis and the cloud vendor’s abilities to meet the service needs of the company.

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