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Discuss how any TWO (2) or more individuals in the texts listed above have personally inspired you or have qualities that your admire.

Pick ONE (1) of the following essay options to write a formal literary analysis essay. Your essay should include an introduction, thesis, 2-3 body paragraphs and conclusion. A Work Cited page should also be included. When applicable, you should include evidence from the texts to support your answer. (Approx. 750-1000 words in length)

1. OPPRESSION: There are many different types of oppression including ideological oppression, where one group believes they are better than another; institutional oppression, where one group controls the institutions of society (laws, police force, housing, etc.), and interpersonal oppression, where individuals personally disrespect or mistreat others in an oppressed group. Using these categories as the basis of your essay, explain how oppression is illustrated in any TWO or more of the texts listed above.

2. TRANSFORMATION: People are not static. They evolve, grow, develop and change in a dynamic way over the course of a lifetime. Sometimes those changes are positive, leading to more self-confidence and personal growth, and sometimes those changes are negative, showing the results of traumatic situations. In your essay response, identify how any TWO or more characters in the texts listed above undergo a positive and/or negative transformation of their character.

3. INSPIRATION: Over the course of the semester, we’ve read about individuals who have faced adversity and survived difficult obstacles in their lives. In your essay response, discuss how any TWO (2) or more individuals in the texts listed above have personally inspired you or have qualities that your admire. You can use first person (I) in your response for this question.

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