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Provide an example of a time that this has happened to you or someone you know in your professional and personal experience. What did you do to resolve the issues of autonomous and positive face? Are the strategies you used for each different?

Discussions and Discussion Post Expectations:

Prompt: Supporting an autonomous and positive face can be challenging. There are times when an autonomous and positive face can create conflict. Provide an example of a time that this has happened to you or someone you know in your professional and personal experience. What did you do to resolve the issues of autonomous and positive face? Are the strategies you used for each different?TIP:

In this discussion response you should offer your own example to demonstrate understanding of concepts. Here you should demonstrate your ability to reflect on your readings and apply concepts from your chapters to yourself and to the world around you. (1) Offer an example, (2) discuss how you behaved, (3) discuss the strategies. Remember to create a discussion of at least 250 – 300 words.

Supporting an autonomous and positive face can be challenging. There are times when an autonomous and positive face can create conflict.

Provide an example of a time that this has happened to you or someone you know in your professional and personal experience. What did you do to resolve the issues of autonomous and positive face? Are the strategies you used for each different?

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