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Discuss the ambiguity suggested by the multiple sub-theories and frameworks of behaviorism. Explain how association doctrine and later, connectionism, evolved the foundations of behaviorism.

Take the pre-test in Chapter 1: The Foundations of Behaviorism in your required text. Discuss your results.

Discuss the ambiguity suggested by the multiple sub-theories and frameworks of behaviorism.

Hint: Do the numerous sub-theories indicate differing suggestions although one overarching definition of behaviorism is often presented?

Explain how association doctrine and later, connectionism, evolved the foundations of behaviorism.

Compare and contrast the stimulus-response (S-R) model and the law of effect and how the inclusion of a confirming reaction change the model.

Outline the historical evolution of behaviorism suggested by its sub-theories (e.g. molar, radial, and psychological behaviorism).

Summarize any takeaways that you have developed about behaviorism, including its sub-theories, based on the content this week.

Once you have finished writing, consider running the tool Turnitin (found in your Course Resources tab) to assure you have successfully used your own voice, rather than another author’s.

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