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Why is it important to clearly understand the process for acquiring knowledge and then the variables that support effectively processing this knowledge?

Select two theories discussed in your required reading, and describe the areas of each theory that you were not previously aware of and why these areas may suggest a need to assimilate, or even accommodate, your own current knowledge.

If unclear on the difference between assimilation and accommodation, see the following resource: The Assimilation vs Accommodation of Knowledge (Links to an external site.).

For example, did you know there are multiple sub-theories within behaviorism or cognitivism? Do you have previous knowledge about the stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R) model suggested by constructivism?

Discuss why you think a developed mental understanding about learning is important as a student of psychology. Include all of the following in this explanation:

Why is it important to clearly understand the process for acquiring knowledge and then the variables that support effectively processing this knowledge?

What myth does stating “we all learn differently” promote to others?

Why does a more critical understanding potentially support a learner?

How could this understanding affect our success in a career?

How might culture (socio-economic, social circle, etc.) affect one’s ability to accommodate or assimilate an expanded knowledge about learning?

Lastly, compare and contrast your previous knowledge about this content to the more complex analysis of learning that you read about this week in the introduction chapter of your text (see the Writing Center’s

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