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Create an annotated bibliography of a minimum of 6 sources, using MLA or APA format.In 3-5 paragraphs (about 500-600 words), provide the historical and cultural environment for the society of the time, as well as a general overview of the major mythic elements.

In 3-5 paragraphs (about 500-600 words), provide the historical and cultural environment for the society of the time, as well as a general overview of the major mythic elements. Next, you will create an annotated bibliography of a minimum of 6 sources, using MLA or APA format. You must complete both an abstract and an annotated bibliography that contains specific elements for this assignment. Therefore, it is critical that you follow the directions provided as you create this assignment.
Select one area of concentration:

Greek/Roman mythology
Indian/Asian mythology
Germanic/Norse mythology
African mythology
North/South American mythology

Write a thesis statement that narrows the scope of your project. This is a single sentence that states the theme that you are going to investigate. See the “Guide to Writing an Annotated Bibliography” for more information.
Locate 6 potential sources; 2 of which must be either scholarly books or articles from an academic journal. The remaining 4 may be web-based. Only ONE of these web sources can be an encyclopedic site, e.g. Wikipedia, About.com, Britannica online, etc .

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