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How can malnutrition impact the biological development of children? How might these impacts manifest socioeconomically and/or culturally in malnourished people as they enter adulthood?

Given that there is currently enough food produced around the world to adequately feed everyone, the problem of global malnutrition arises from cultural factors such as social status, economics, and systemic racism.

1. How can malnutrition impact the biological development of children?
2. How might these impacts manifest socioeconomically and/or culturally in malnourished people as they enter adulthood?
3. Which cultural factors are explained in the video?
4. What other cultural factors not mentioned in the video affect the problem of global malnutrition? (Keep in mind that culture consists of all human behavior that is not biologically mandated. For example, while a pregnant child in labor must give birth, the manner in which she does so – such as choosing a home birth instead a hospital birth – can be motivated by tradition, superstition, politics, economics, or culturally embedded logistical reasons.)
5. How would you explain or summarize global malnutrition from a biocultural perspective?

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