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Discuss/share what benefits, limitations and or effects and impact it has on the economy. (National, Regional, Global).

Team Presentation Assignment
A Team Group was created to facilitate your communications, discussions, and decisions on what you wish to present for this assignment.
Your team will select EITHER an article of no more than 10 pages in length OR a video no more than 5-6 minutes. You will read/view and discuss in your group discussions and present to the class the main points of the article. You will share with your professor and colleagues which will be discussion by your colleagues on the Discussion Board
Each Team Member Must Submit Assignment Individually After Presenting as a Team
Example/Suggestion of Points of Discussion should include;
1. What area of Economics was your article/video selection about? Eg. Market Systems, Scarcity of Resources, Supply and Demand, Technological Advances….
2. Discuss/share what benefits, limitations and or effects and impact it has on the economy. (National, Regional, Global).
3. Discuss why it is important to address or discuss such issues. Make a case as to why it is important as a team.

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