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Discuss the relationship of the visual and verbal elements in the ad. Which is prominent?Identify the part of the hierarchy of effects model that each print ads target. Explain why.

This chapter highlights the Six Stages of the hierarchy of effects model. Identify the part of the hierarchy of effects model that each print ads target. Explain why.
In terms of attitude formation, which sequence is being used? Justify your answer.
Discuss the relationship of the visual and verbal elements in the ad. Which is prominent?

Part 2: Advertising Design

In this chapter, there are several “Messaging Strategies used in designing effective advertising: Discuss at least one of the messaging strategies you would use to design your advertising for the Business Venture you mentioned in Week 1 (Communication process)
Which of the seven main types of Advertising Appeals discussed in this chapter would use for your own Business Venture and Why?

When explaining/discussing these topics, please note the following:

Write the definition /explanation in full sentences that demonstrate an understanding of learning objectives

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