1. Characters
In the readings some characters are portrayed positively or negatively or both. Think about the characteristics, details, and actions the author uses to elicit such responses in the reader. Explain how you feel the author is portraying the character and the reasons for such a portrayal.
2. Setting
Closely examine the setting of two readings. What are the main locations and how does the author use such devices as description, imagery, background information, and other details to enliven the story? Do the characters and settings work together effectively to make a convincing story? Discuss the techniques used by the author to make the settings authentic.
3. Time Period
How are two particular writings shaped by the period in which they were written? How do the characters, actions, themes relate to the setting? Consider the ways in which the characters are depicted, their beliefs portrayed, and how the issues that they must contend with are particular to the period.
4. Gender
How are male and female characters portrayed in two of the readings? Are choices limited by gender, and/or does gender influence choices. Explore how gender affects plot and character development in the readings and how would events change if the events were to take place today?
5. Detail
After a close examination of two readings, find an important detail in each that piques your interest. This can be a passage, pivotal event, or significant symbol. Examine the detail more carefully and discuss why it exists in the story and its importance to the overall theme or plot.
6. Conflict
Examine the nature of conflict in two of the readings. What struggles does the main character encounter. You might consider the question of identity of a particular character or group; issues of assimilation and acculturation; identity transformations.