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Do the authors provide the proper cultural, political, and historical context to truly understand the topics presented?How do the authors describe health care systems articulating with COVID-related disparities?

What terminology do the authors use to describe health disparities/inequalities/inequities, and is their choice of terminology significant?

Do the authors take more of an ethnocentric or culturally relative approach to describing the circumstances of this population group?

Which (if any) social determinants of health do the authors describe as contributing factors to disparities? Do they go “upstream” enough in identifying these factors? What social determinants/structural influences do you think merit further investigation?

Which of the following frameworks do the authors draw from in explaining COVID-19 risk (even if inadvertently): behavioral, cultural, or structural? How do you know?

How do the authors describe health care systems articulating with COVID-related disparities?

Does the article address the role of the health care safety net in buffering the effects of COVID-19 disparities? Or does it describe other emergent forms of social support?

Do the authors grapple with questions about whose responsibility health care is (the personal responsibility of the individual versus the role of the government)? If so, which perspective does it favor?

How do the authors present information/data (in more of a quantitative or qualitative form)? Do they present numbers, charts, and tables, or draw from stories that foreground lived experience? Is their presentation style effective?

Do the authors provide the proper cultural, political, and historical context to truly understand the topics presented?

What theoretical approaches from public health or anthropology (e.g., behavior change, intersectionality, critical race, cultural interpretive, critical medical, embodiment of inequality) might be most useful if you were to examine this topic more academically?

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