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Review the material on the breakdown of the Charter located in the Module: Project Initiation. Then agree on how each piece will be worked on and by who.

Meet a minimum of twice: 1). Introduction/Planning Meeting 2). Closing meeting/submit work. You can decided as a team to meet more than these two meetings.


1) Review the Information Technology Project (above Case Study link) that will be the focus of the team.

2) Review the material on the breakdown of the Charter located in the Module: Project Initiation. Then agree on how each piece will be worked on and by who.

Start work on the included Charter template. Templates are important to a Project Manager and the team. Project Managers who “deconstruct” templates tend to leave out vital data.

3) The final step in this first meeting is to agree on a time to come together one more time before submitting the Charter, to assure everyone has turned in their work.


Agree on who will collect all the completed data and combine it into the Charter. Have one team member upload the Charter in the assignment. Make sure all team members who contributed to the work are named on the document.

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