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Critically review one article from the course already discussed in class?

Short Assignment (15% of your final grade).

Write a commentary on an article selected for the Short Assignment.

Detailed instructions for the assignment will be provided. The article addresses some of the contemporary challenges facing the Global South.


Short assignment instructions

Question: Critically review one article from the course already discussed in class?

It should not be more than 2 pages and not less than 1 page. All single spaced, Times New Roman font 12 and justified text, all sources must be properly cited (in text and bibliography/references).

Do not write summaries and do not copy and paste from the article (marks will be deducted if you do so). If you need to cite from the article you must do so appropriately.

Failure to observe these instruction will impact your grade.

Grading Scheme

5 marks for organizational/ structural (i.e references, citations, grammatical issues)

5 marks for a good reflection/review of the article.

5 marks for good application to the real world/ developing countries.


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