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How would you structure a research project to determine “who governs” in a major city (e.g., Detroit, if you wish)? Define your terms carefully.  Be specific about theories you would test, your hypotheses, and research design and methodology.

How would you structure a research project to determine “who governs” in a major city (e.g., Detroit, if you wish)? Define your terms carefully.  Be specific about theories you would test, your hypotheses, and research design and methodology.


Some theorists attribute the incidence of black male social pathology to individual level factors such a poor education, lack of skills, poverty, and anti-social values. Other theorists attribute the incidence to community level factors such as poor school systems, run down neighborhoods, lack of jobs, inadequate public transportation, and white racism.  Design a research study that can sort out the relative weight of individual    level and contextual level factors affecting the incidence of black male social pathology.

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