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What is one most interesting thing that you’ve learned from the article? Would you like to try a beaver tail now? Why?


Your other assignments in all classes are related to the topic of Globalization, namely international cuisine. In this reading assignment, you’ll learn more about food from Canada!

  1. Prediction skills. Imagine that you are going to read a blog Kurry Up by a blogger from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It features a blog post titled Rock your date with the best of Indian cuisine. Based on this title, answer the following two questions:
Question 1: What do you believe will be the main idea of this article? (complete sentence)
Question 2: Do you believe this article is formal or informal? Give one reason to support your answer. (complete sentence)
  1. Reading Comprehension. Read a blog post “Iconic Canadian Food: Beaver Tails – The Canadian Doughnut” and answer the following questions:
Question 3: What is the main idea of the article? (one complete sentence)
Question 4: List three or four key/essential details that support the main idea of the article (point-form/notes)
  1. Reflection. After reading the blog post about beaver tails and answering Question 3 and 4, reflect on the following last question:
Question 5: What is one most interesting thing that you’ve learned from the article? Would you like to try a beaver tail now? Why?


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