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Explain what is meant  by the marriage market. How has technology impacted the marriage market?  Where do people meet one another?  What factors do people consider when choosing a partner?

Directions for Writing Assignments

These assignments are all essays–they are not research papers.  Unless otherwise instructed, all you need is the textbook and the handouts.  You need to double-space, use a size 12 font, Times New Roman. Do not have a heading and indent so that you use up space. I am familiar with that trick!  Please have a cover sheet to avoid that issue.

Assign 6

Chapter 8:Marriage and Cohabitation

Explain what is meant  by the marriage market. How has technology impacted the marriage market?  Where do people meet one another?  What factors do people consider when choosing a partner? Refer to the textbook when responding this these answers.

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