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Does this collection represent a certain area of exploration for this artist? Does this particular selection signify a renaissance or reprise of older work?

Research Assignment(100 points) Create the liner notes for a box set (vinyl, CD, or music streaming) that features selected work by a particular artist, group, producer, writer, record label, genre(s), era, topic, style, instrument, etc. from 1950 – 2000. Your uploaded submission should be a polished and finely curated work that includes the following:

-A cover page with any combination of photo, art, illustration, collage that represents and identifies with the theme of your liner notes

-An analytic essay (liner notes) up to 1000 words (minimum of 3 pages) that offers a compelling, impactful, and convincing argument for this artist and the tracks you’ve chosen to represent them. Here are some questions to consider when selecting:

Why does this collection and/or artist matter? How has this collection or this artist had an impact on its respective genre or music as a whole? How has this artist and the influence of this work impacted society? politics? the world?

Does this collection represent a certain area of exploration for this artist? Does this particular selection signify a renaissance or reprise of older work?

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