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Public Relations and Publicity; What are others saying about the company in the mainstream and industry press and third party media channels? What press releases has the company issued?

  • Advertising (where and how do they advertise? what are the messages/ target audience/positioning/ brand signals etc.)
  • Public Relations and Publicity (what are others saying about the company in the mainstream and industry press and third party media channels? What press releases has the company issued?)
  • Sales Promotion (what sales promotion tactics is the company using i.e. discounts/ loyalty schemes, flash sales, etc.)
  • Events and experiences- (What activities and programmes does the company sponsor? is the company undertaking any CSR? / are they sponsoring community groups/ events? why do you think they do this?)
  • Personal Selling (How are staff members used to promote the company)
  • Direct Marketing (sign up to their newsletters/ mailing lists- what promotions do they send you?)
  • Interactive Marketing. Note this differs from online marketing is the sense that it has an emphasis on interactivity between the company, it’s consumers and other stakeholders. (what is happening online through owned, paid and earned channels to engage with consumers and other stakeholders?)
  • Word of Mouth Marketing (Is there evidence of testimonies? What are others saying about the company? There is some crossover with earned channels from 2.7, above so avoid duplication)
  • Social Media Marketing- (How is the company utilizing social media? What types of messaging/ conversations are taking place and how does this reflect/ reinforce positioning and brand personality?)
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