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What do we already know in the immediate area? What are the most important studies in this area? Identify the strengths and the weaknesses of the evidence.


– What do we already know in the immediate area?

– What are the most important studies in this area?

– key concepts, theories, issues and min debates. Use them to show the relationships between the different theories, views and approaches it describes, criticizing them and their contribution to knowledge with the present study be expected to make. All these concepts, theories, debates have to be related to each other. Evaluating, comparing and contrasting the significant theories, studies, approaches in the literature.

– overview of the most important research studies, theories, analyses of your topic

– which theories are inclusive and what are the shortcoming.

– show a comparison between previous research related to the writer’s own problem; or relationship between different research already carried out. Make evaluations.

– focus on showing the relationships between the different theories, views and approaches it describes

– use a method that is around the work of the researchers, not around the people.

– be critical, identify the approach by the authors and criticize their approaches to the topic and identify the problem and issues related to the topic.

– find if there are any gaps in the literature, neglected areas of study.

– insert any political and ideological perspective.

– try to insert your opinion through showing one’s opinion. Take a more tentative line of speculation or question-posing, rather than asserting a more definite position.

– Identify the strengths and the weaknesses of the evidence.

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